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Simulation & Training

VI-grade – Driving Simulators with dynamically warping projections

Partners of ours since 2016, VI-grade develops automotive solutions in the range from the field of vehicle dynamics to motion based driving simulations for the automotive industry and research partners. The VI-grade STATIC simulator and the VI-grade Drivers in Motion Simulator (DiM) families are professional driving simulator solutions used in VI-grade SimCenters, research institutes and at a variety of automotive customers. The simulators enable a high level of realism and support an immersive driver experience by using cylindrical screens with a professional multichannel projection system, a moving platform and a motion feedback system. 

*All images with kind permission of VI-Grade GmbH.

Project details provided calibration services for VI-grade Static, as well as for DiM 150, DiM 250 and DiM 400, at several SimCenters and automotive customers. Our full fixed  AutoAlignment system is integrated into the VI-grade projection systems. With this fixed AutoAlignment system VI-grade can rely on the customer to do recalibrations by themselves when they need it, at any time and place it is required. The ProjectionTools export is used to perform dynamic warping in the 3D engine in the background of the VR-simulation system.

  • ProjectionTools Pro Sim with: dynamic Warping and  Auto Alignment

  • cylindrical screen up to 300° coverage

  • projector stacking with 4 and 5 projectors

  • 3-5 projection channels